Soul Offerings
The Individualized Spirit of your uniqueness, known as your Soul , holds the connection between the physical body and Spirit. The eternal flame that holds all energetic imprints of your being and all of its memories from all levels of emanations.

Soul Vibrational Medicine
The 7 Sacred Gates
A Luminous Path of Enlightenment
Existing within our energy bodies is a multidimensional system comprised of energy vortexes and pathways that can bring us into higher realms of understanding ourselves. These sacred gates are known as the seven major chakras. These comprise the central organized system that absorbs, assimilates, and expresses life force energies. Learning the teachings of this brilliant system of wisdom is a beautiful journey. The chakra system is the expansive healing path we can embark on to understand what unites the physical body with Spirit through the Soul.
When our internal world shifts toward peace and freedom, so does the world around us. We are reflections of the world we see. To see joy and health in our world, we increase it within. It is up to us to take this journey; entering the 7 Sacred Gates truly is a Luminous Path of Enlightenment that leads us into a place of complete wholeness. The awakening of the Kundalini spark is what will unfold in this Soul journey. It’s an ascension of serpent energy that flows its way up from the root chakra, awakening and enlivening each one above it until it reclaims the true divinity within, finding its seat upon the crown chakra.
Journeying through the 7 Sacred Gates is a metaphor for the evolution of one’s consciousness. It means taking the journey and doing the work required to heal the Self, and in response, the world around us. As taught in the art of magick, alchemy is the process of burning away the dross, implementing new patterns and discipline so that a pure clear state can arise. The path of spiritual alchemy revealed within such a path of enlightenment brings an awakening to the Soul’s essence ; through the refinement and alignment of these sacred gates we can experience a greater clarity to Know Thyself. We are the Creator and our Souls holds such TruthfulMedicine. The connections with Divine Oneness and Mother Earth, with Spirit and Matter, with Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, will unlock the wisdom and powers of your Soul and the chakras are one of the portals to such awakening.
This empowering journey of the Soul holds the dedication of honouring each major chakra over a seven-day process, supportive with weekly supervised guidance and honouring the continuous ascension through the 7 Sacred Gates over seven weeks. Once the Crown has been attained with higher meaning and purpose, this illumination journey will always provide the opportunity for further growth and expansion. The 7 Sacred Gates can be a lifetime of commitment and empowerment as the serpent energy will always have the desire for continual evolution.

Power of 12 Principles
This ascension spiritual alchemy journey is all about being reminded of your Divinity. We are spiritual beings embarking on this path of humanistic experiences — benevolent beings that have been granted the privilege of living the essence of Divine Oneness. With reverence, humility, responsibility and beauty, we are Creators. We have an incredible ability to co-create a life imprinted with abundance and freedom. The Power of 12 and the Power of 3 are the core teachings shared by TruthfulMedicine. More than 50 years of life experiences have synchronized the wisdom of teachings that will empower any Soul with the desire to hold an open mind, and a strong dedication to discovering the blueprint for embracing one’s Divinity. It is the transmutation from a low base human existence to that of an awakened spiritual being. This path of enlightenment is a process and a series of evolutionary self-mastery tools that holds a commitment to the desire of the Soul.
These teachings will illuminate the greatness of one’s existence and actualize a self-realization that we are powerful, eternal beings with incredible powers to thrive on all levels. The Power of 12 and Power of 3 are principles, also knowns as magickal keys, that will help unlock the brilliance of one’s being. We are the Creator. It’s an empowering knowing that can be initiated by honouring one’s TruthfulMedicine. The power of these principles anchors the energies of Divine Oneness, surrender, vibration, correspondence, polarity, feminine/masculine, thoughts/words, abundance, attraction, energy exchange, rhythms, causality, forgiveness and compassion, commitment, success, and the divine force of love.
The Power of 12 and Power of 3 is a journey of self-mastery that is unique to each Soul’s TruthfulMedicine and such a path of enlightenment will unfold from within oneself. As intuitively guided, a journey of Know Thyself with such principles and the experiential tools to hold one’s TruthfulMedicine will unfold like a blossoming lotus flower.