Body Offerings
The beauty and brilliance of this temple houses your Soul, bringing the experiences of living in the physical world. The physical body is influenced by the laws of nature and Spirit, principles that need to be respected and embraced.

Body Motion
Functional System
This hands-on fascial approach is designed to regain the intelligence of healthy bodily motion. A lack of awareness in the common world creates a lot of muscular imbalances throughout the kinetic chain of the physical body. Chronic unhealthy postures, repetitive strains, weak functional core patterns, shortened and inhabited fascial systems, as well as internal dis-eased states can only bring disharmony on many levels. The Body Motional Functional System is a 12-part series of repatterning the biomechanics of the physical body using fascial re-education, manual treatments, chiropractic adjustments, and functional rehabilitation programs.
This integrated functional empowering modality brings harmony back into the beauty of bodily movement. The Body Motional Functional System has helped thousands of souls free themselves of chronic neck pain, headaches, shoulders restrictions, lower back dysfunction, sciatica, respiratory strains, digestive problems, temporomandibular joint inhibition, sleep disorders, lethargy, and much more chronic di-eased challenges.
The process within such a form of holistic medicine starts with static and dynamic postural evaluations, orthopedic assessments of the entire body, palpation of the fascial system, and hands-on observation of the spinal column. Once the completion of such an integrated gathering of information is completed and accessed, a thoroughly evaluated treatment plan is presented for the patient’s understanding and approval. Then the magick of this 12 steps journey begins!
Food as Medicine
“Let food be thy Medicine and let medicine be thy food”. A simple and powerful set of words expressed Hippocrates, the father of medicine, thousands of years ago.
The need to honour such an empowering statement has been supported by endless well-researched and anectodical validations. Chronic dis-eases have a strong root with unhealthy eating; more importantly, the lack of such awareness creates long term inflammation within the body. Chronic inflammation will only deteriorate everything in the physical body, including organs, metabolic systems, circulatory and lymphatic vessels, neurological functions, and the musculo-skeletal frame.
Everyone has a unique relationship with food which will be respected within their personalized program. There are important principles of intelligent and healthy eating that will be shared to support overall healing. Through questionnaires, journaling, laboratory tests, and gathering of history, the brilliance of honouring food as medicine will be formulated within the wellness chiropractic medicine equation.

Innate Integrative Medicine
The physical body has an innate intelligence, a blueprint of ensuring that health is honoured and attained. Everything is supported and connected synergistically within the body, fragmentation has no purpose in TruthfulMedicine.
The well-being of one physiological system will determine the state of all of them. This is an important proven set of words that will bring the opportunity for empowering healing within the entirety of your being. For example, if your digestive system is in an unbalanced unhealthy state, the chemicals in your brain may be influenced. The overwhelming toxic loads within your liver may cause hormonal imbalances. The stagnation of the circulatory system may bring sore and tired muscles. Lastly, the inability to respect the circadian cycle of intelligent sleep may bring neurological discordance.
A thorough health history intake, questionnaires, journaling, laboratory assessments, and self-assessments will bring the opportunity to have a clear and strong understanding of how to support the Innate Functional Medicine of the physical body.
More importantly, the brilliance and beauty of understanding Mother Nature’s pharmacy will only bring a greater degree of healing within TruthfulMedicine’s approach to honouring the integration of wellness chiropractic medicine and its teachings.